Thursday, October 4, 2007

Days 1 and 2: From DC to Chicago

We made it to the train in time, thanks to Sarah! Here's a shot of us inside our "sleeper car" (which is more like a closet). I think they should have called it a "dozer car" because we got very little sleep. Between the train whistle noises and the constant jostling, sleep was hard to come by. I'll tell you more about the train later.


marble said...

"Goodnight America, how are ya!" (singing the 'City of New Orleans' song). . . . hope you're having fun on the "magic carpet made of steel".

Denise said...

Hello you 2 train travelers.. The pictures are great. Sounds like you are having a great time. I know the scenery is wonderful. Can't wait to see the pictures. I bet you both can't wait to be in a large bedroom again, (haha). Your sleeping quarters do seem kind of tight.. Have fun the rest of the way. Keep on sending these blogs.