Saturday, October 13, 2007

Day 12 - Relaxation Time

Okay - now we are really exhausted, so we both decided to have a day off from touring and such. We enjoyed a rainy day by staying inside. Bret did the laundry and Sheryl worked on this sketch of leaves found in Yosemite. Tomorrow we leave for Monterey, CA. Don't know where we will find an Internet connection there! We will keep trying.


marble said...

yay!!! you got some painting-time in, Sheryl! Way to go.

Good to hear from you both - hi Bret! I see it sounds like you've done some posting this last go round.

The weather has finally broken, and the 90 degree record-setting heat/drought has finally given way to a thunderous display of really fierce rain clouds annoyed to have been kept waiting so long. They dropped their several inches of rain overnight night before last and have left the sky forever-blue and the temperature 30 degrees colder. It's wonderful!

I've always liked the image of God blessing each and every step we take (and sanctifying that as our "territory"), which seems doubly important when travelling. I pray that for the two of you today. Have fun in the Kingdom!

Denise said...

Nice sketch Sheryl. I am sure you both enjoyed the brake of constant running. It is time to relax some, maybe you won't need to much of a vacation from the vacation :)